33 4050 2700

Pricing Policy

Our pricing policy is a PSL's approach to determining the price at which it offers to the market. Pricing policies help companies make sure they remain profitable and give them the flexibility to price separate products differently.

Description NSE BSE
Trading Brokerage 0.06% 0.06%
Trading Minimum Brokerage 0.02% 0.02%
Delivery Brckerage 0.60% 0.60%
Delivery Minimum Brokerage 0.02% 0.02%

* Subject to minimum brokerage per contract, which may vary from time to time.

1st Leg 2nd Leg 1st Leg 2nd Leg
lntra day/ 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% % of Premium
Carry forward 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% Minimum ₹100/- ₹100/-

* Subject to minimum brokerage per contract, which may vary from time to time.

1st Leg 2nd Leg
Intra day/ ₹50/- per lot ₹50/- per lot
Carry forward -do- -do-
% of Premium -do-
Minimum -do-

Transaction charges, stamp duty, GST, CTT, CM charges and any other statutory levies will be charged extra.

Rates for Depository Services offered by Peerless Securities Limited

Fee Head Fees
Regular Account Basic Services Demat Account
Maintenance Charges*
For lndividuals - ₹650/- per annum
For Corporates - ₹650/- In addition to NSDL Charges p.a
Asset Holding -₹0 to ₹50,000 - Nil,
₹50,001 to ₹2 Lacs - ₹100 per annum.
Transaction (Sales)(Per lnstruction) Manual - ₹15/- for intra DP and ₹21/- for inter DP
Speede - ₹12/-
0.5% of the value of the txn subject to min ₹50/-
(Applicable fot Speede transaction as wefi)
Demographic detail change (except Mobile & email lD) ₹50/- per request ₹100/- per request
Additional Booklet ₹20/- per booklet ₹50/- per booklet
Demat ₹2/- per certificate - Minimum ₹500/- per request payable over the counter
Remat ₹12/- per certilicate - Minimum ₹500/- per request in addition to NSDL charges payable over the counter
Pledge** ₹35/- for creation and ₹15/- for closure

*Maintenance charges payable at the time of opening the account for the first year and in April ol every subsequenl year.
** ₹15/- for Margin Pledge creation/closure/invocation, ₹6/- for Margin Repledge by TM to CI,VCC or release by CM/CC to TM

  • The value ol securities held in the BSDA shall not exceed ₹2 lacs at any point of time. If the value ol holding exceeds ₹2 lacs, the charges as applicable to Regular Demat Accounl will be levied.
  • Non-periodic statements will be charged at ₹10 for first 5 pages and thereafter ₹2/- per page.
  • For weekly statements ₹50/- will be charged per month, which is payable in advance within 10th of every month.
  • ₹20/- for each erroneous/failed/rejected transaction, for billing clients which is ₹5/-
  • Charges will be ₹250/- per cheque bounce.
  • Transmrssion charge ₹250/- per request payable upfront
  • Password reset charge ol ₹20/- per request for IDeAS & SPEED-e Password users.
  • SEBI penalty charges will be reimbursed from CMs on actuals
  • Non payment of bill after 30 days from the due date will cause withdrawn of depository services for the account.
  • Charges are subject to revision at the company's (PSL) sole discretion.
  • Late submission charge for same day Pay-ln is ₹20/- per transaction in additlon to transaction charge.
  • GST & other regulatory charges will be recovered separately

Discounted transaction charges, delivered through SPEED-e is ( ₹12/- per transaction. SPEED-e charges - ₹200/- in addition to NSDL charges per financial year for Smartcard users
Free Services - IDeAS* (lnternet based Demat Account Statement)
*For Beneficiary account holders only
The Depository Participant may charge interest rate not more than 24% p.a. or such other rate as may be specified by the Executive Commrttee from time to time for the period from due date to date of payment.

*The above rates may vary on clients' request subject to approval of the appropriate authority.