Please provide all your trading instructions exclusively by calling our dedicated helpline number 03368135000 from your registered number. Do not call any of our RMs, Dealers, or APs' personal numbers for executing your trading activities.
This is the Official website of Peerless Securities Limited (PSL), designed, developed and hosted by Peerless Securities Limited. The site has been developed to provide information to the general public. Attempts in many phases have been made through this site to provide information which is reliable, comprehensive, accurate about Peerless Securities and its various Groups/Organizations. Hyperlinks at various places have been provided to other Portals/Websites. The content in this site is the result of a collaborative effort of various Products & Services of PSL. It is our endeavor to continue the enhancement and enrichment of this site in terms of content coverage, design and technology on a regular basis.
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At many places on PSL website, you shall find links to other websites/portals. These links have been placed for your convenience. PSL is not responsible for the contents of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them. Mere presence of the link or its listing on this website should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked destinations.
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All possible efforts need to be taken to keep the content on the Website current and up-to-date. This Content Review Policy defines the roles and responsibilities of the website content review and the manner in which it need to be carried out. Review Policies are defined for the diverse content elements. The Review Policy is based on different type of content elements, its validity and relevance as well as the archival policy.
PSL has a very robust policy of review its content through routine testing of web pages and the content. The entire metadata repository shall be reviewed in a phased manner over a period of six months to ensure the currency of the content. Rest of the content shall be reviewed every three months. This includes the following sections: Groups, Do, Discuss, Poll, Talk, Podcast, Blog, PSL in Media, About Us, Associate with PSL, Terms & Conditions, Contact Us, Help, FAQs, Link to Us etc.
All security issues related to the website will be addressed as per security guidelines issued by Government of India from time to time. PSL website contains information which is freely accessible, and may be viewed by any visitor. However, the website maintains a copyright interest in the contents of all of its websites. Except for authorized security investigations and data collection, no attempts will be made to identify individual users.
The website has been audited by Cert-in empanelled auditor and all the vulnerabilities have been fixed. Upon completion, security clearance certificate of cert-in empanelled auditor has been received. A periodic check on the requirement of security certificate is recommended to the web information manager in case there are changes in the functionality or any other environmental changes.
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Feedback: Feedback from the visitors is the best way to judge a performance and make necessary improvements. A proper mechanism for feedback analysis is in place to carry out the changes and enhancements as suggested by the visitors.
Please provide all your trading instructions exclusively by calling our dedicated helpline number 03368135000 from your registered number. Do not call any of our RMs, Dealers, or APs' personal numbers for executing your trading activities.